Basic Resources

Worldwide Resources For Cross Stitch Materials

Today I just wanted to spend some time putting together a resource of places you can purchase cross stitch materials. I’ll be continuously building onto this list, so feel free to send me suggestions..

Whether you’re just starting out and need the basics, or want to branch out and try new things. I will try to list places from all over the world, but obviously I will only have experience shopping at those in the US. That said, all the ones I list will be those recommended / suggested by my cross stitch community over on Discord.

This post may contain affiliate links. If you buy something using one of these links, I earn a small commission. However, there is no extra cost to you. Thanks for understanding! Learn more in my Disclosures & Privacy Policy.

If you’re reading this after 2020 – Note this was put together and scheduled over a month before the COVID-19 quarantines. If you’re looking for cross stitch materials for something to do while social distancing – exercise caution. Many stores have options to order online, or at least in-store / curbside pickup.

Many LNS are still up and running and struggling to keep afloat. Please consider supporting local / small businesses where you can. Even if you don’t have an LNS near you, some have online ordering and you can still help support a small business vs a mega box store like Michaels / Joann.


Brick and Mortar Stores

Many of these have online shopping, but they also have physical locations that may be in your area.

  • Michael’s – Be sure to take advantage of their weekly 40% off coupons!
  • Joann – Their cross stitch section has been shrinking, but still has basics.
  • WalMart – Varies from store to store, but most at least have DMC thread and basic fabric.
  • Hobby Lobby

Local Needlework Shops – These can be hard to find as they often don’t have a great online presence, but NeedleTravel is a good place to check.

The picture in the header of this post is a photo I took in my own LNS, A Stitching Shop, in Denver.

Online Stores

Hand Dyed Fabrics

Thread Brands


Brick and Mortar Stores

Again, any of these have online shopping, but they also have physical locations that may be in your area. I have no personal experience with these stores, but they have been recommended by my community.

Online Stores

Check your country’s Amazon page, but be sure to shop around for materials as it’s not always the best deal.

Also check Etsy, and when doing a search you can specify to only search for shops in your country to keep shipping reasonable.

Hand Dyed Fabrics

Thread Brands

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have a resource you think should be added to this list!