Bell Pull or Wall Hanging – Cross Stitch Finishing Tutorial
Bell Pulls are such an interesting finish that we don’t see referenced as often anymore. Even when we do, stitchers are often unaware of their history and they are now just known for being a long thin wall hanging. So let’s discuss the origins of the bell pull and then talk about how to make […]
Cross Stitch Tarot Bag – Adding Embroidery to Sewing Patterns
Hello! Welcome to another issue of I have no idea what I’m doing. In which I attempt to follow someone else’s tutorial and adapt it to make a cross stitch tarot bag. Hopefully by outlining my method for adapting cross stitch to this tarot bag tutorial it will inspire you to turn some of your […]
Cross Stitch Bookmark Finishing Tutorial
Why Cross Stitch a Bookmark? You can make bookmarks in a ton of different ways, as we’ll discuss shortly. So why then cross stitch a bookmark? Are cardboard ones not good enough? Of course they are. Cardboard is fine. And plastic. Or metal. Whatever type of bookmarks you normally use. But as a cross stitcher, […]
Tea Bag Cross Stitch Scissor Fob Tutorial
I’ve been enjoying making scissor fobs, and even made a tutorial for some cute geometric ones. But then I thought: what if I made one to look like a tea bag? So I did. Aaand here we are. Welcome to my brain. I’ve already discussed in that tutorial what scissor fobs are and why you […]
Blended Threads: Creating New Floss Colors With Tweeding
If you’ve been around the cross stitch community long enough you’ve probably run into blended threads. They used to be quite frequently used in larger detailed patterns, I don’t seem to see this technique used as much nowadays except in certain pattern styles. Today though I wanted to discuss what blended threads are and how […]
Fabric Tray with Cross Stitch – Decorative Trinket Trays
Hello! I’ve been wanting to make a cross stitch fabric tray for quite a while now, and it’s about time I get it done. I do want to preface this by saying this isn’t technically a tutorial, as I have no idea what I’m doing. Instead, I’ll be following this tutorial by A Spoonful of […]
Scissor Cases – Safely Store Your Storks
It’s time for another finishing tutorial! I’m always looking for fun ways to make my cross stitches into useful items, and while the scissor case is definitely not a new concept in the cross stitch community I hadn’t made one yet. So I wanted to try my hand at one myself! As usual, I’ll not […]
Pendibule Ornament Tutorial: Unique Cross Stitch Finishes
I’ve seen the word pendibule mentioned in relation to cross stitch on the internet for some time now, but no one seems to know what they are or where they come from. And recently, they’ve been popping up all over the place again! So I thought I’d do some research and try to explain it […]