Beaded Scissor Fobs: How to Make Your Own
Today I wanted to go over how I make my beaded scissor fobs. This is just one way to do things, and the way I’ve found works for me. But feel free to adjust for your own needs as well. If you don’t want to go out and buy all the materials in bulk to […]
Quaker Ball Deep Dive: Cross Stitch Finishing Techniques
Back in 2022 I did a Stitch-A-Long for my very own faerie themed ‘Quaker Ball’ design. And I’ve been meaning to write this article ever since! Today, I not only want to go over how to assemble one of these, but also the origins of this technique, where to find designs, as well as how […]
Square Flat Ornament: Cross Stitch No Glue Finishing Tutorial
It’s time to revisit this flat ornament tutorial! A while ago I put together a step-by-step featuring a round flat ornament. Though the assembly concepts are the same, a lot of you reached out asking about making square ones, or even other shapes. Plus it’s been nearly FOUR YEARS since I wrote that one, so […]
Pattern Design Challenge: Randomly Generated Color Palette
So I usually do more informative/tutorial type cross stitch articles here. But this month I threw some sillier, fun options into the mix for my Patrons to vote on, and this is what they chose; a pattern design challenge. Well, technically, they voted for me to take a break this month because they’re awesome. But […]
Biscornu Bottoms: Use Up Those Fabric Scraps
I don’t usually do anything special for my bicornu bottoms. Typically it’s just a blank piece of the same fabric I stitched the top with. Maybe something small in the corners. But as they tend to sit on my desk as pin cushions I don’t want much on the backside that will just be hidden […]
Grime Guard / Q-Snap Cozy: Make Your Own With a Fat Quarter
Hello stitchers! Today we’ll be talking about how to make a grime guard for your Q-Snap. There are plenty of tutorials for these out there already but I do a poll on my Patreon every month for what I should write about, and this is what was voted on! So I’m going to try and […]
Color Swapping Cross Stitch Patterns : Conversion Tips
Today I wanted to talk about color swapping, a way to customize your cross stitch patterns to better suit your preferences. A good way to both express yourself creatively and work through your stash. What does it mean? How do you do it? SHOULD you do it? Well a lot of this is very subjective […]
Cross Stitch Gift Card Stocking Tutorial
What’s a Gift Card Stocking? Ok, first off. What is a gift card stocking anyway? It’s pretty much what it sounds like. A Christmas stocking like you would put on your mantle and fill with goodies for the holiday. But small sized just large enough for a gift card. A mini stocking. You can sew […]