Thread Conditioner: Should you use it for Embroidery & Cross Stitch?

Here’s a topic that’s I’ve seen brought up quite a bit lately: Thread conditioner. What is it, should you use it, and HOW do you use it anyway? For decades cross stitchers and embroidery artists alike have used a silicone-based substance called Thread Heaven to coat their threads while working. Plus the dozens of other […]

12 mins read

Framing Tips for Cross Stitch – Inexpensive At-Home Finishing Techniques

My patreon voted for me to write about framing tips despite knowing full well I am terrible at framing. I feel the need to warn future readers as well. I am not an expert and would recommend getting your piece professionally framed by someone familiar with cross stitch/needlepoint. However, that can get EXPENSIVE. And I […]

18 mins read

Omamori Tutorial – Cross Stitch Your Own Good Luck Charm

Before we get into how to make an omamori, let’s discuss what they actually are. Traditionally, they are amulets of protection available at Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples across Japan. These spiritual items often have prayers written inside them and made sacred through the use of ritual. For tourists, they are mainly viewed as a […]

9 mins read

Gridding for Cross Stitch: Techniques to Help With Counting Stitches

In case you’re not familiar with the concept of gridding, it’s a technique mostly used on large cross stitch patterns to help the stitcher with counting and sizing. If you’ve ever seen an in progress photo of someone stitching where their fabric is covered in small squares, that’s gridding! There’s lots of different ways to […]

21 mins read