Gift Ideas For Your Favorite Cross Stitcher
16 mins read

Gift Ideas For Your Favorite Cross Stitcher

Christmas is creeping up, and I bet plenty of you (and your significant others) are out there trying to figure out what on earth to gift your favorite stitcher. Or at the very least, some stocking stuffers.

I won’t be going into too much detail with this post, but mainly just listing off some items that correlate with stitching. It’s hard to pick things when so much of the craft is very specific to your current project, so I’ve tried to focus on things that are a bit more general, nice-to-haves, and stash building.

I’ll be linking to some examples, but always be sure to shop around and get the best deal! There’s all sorts of different products for each category. While I’ve linked to my favorites, it’s just a starting point to give you some ideas of where to start shopping for your favorite stitcher.

Gift ideas range from big pricy purchases like floor stands and storage solutions, to small stocking stuffers like hand made seam rippers and fancy needle cases.

I also tried to link to shops from various countries. But check out my list of worldwide resources if you’re having trouble finding supplies in your country!

I won’t be posting photos of each individual item or this article will take forever to load. Be sure to check out the individual links to see all the creative items out there!

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The Gift of Fabric

One thing a stitcher will always need is fabric. This can be difficult to buy for them, since it’s very much up to personal preference what count and type of fabric they like. However, if you know your stitcher’s favorite type of fabric, a fun gift would be some colorful hand-dyed fabric to add to their stash!

  • Picture This Plus makes some of my favorite colors. They now only sell wholesale, but you can get their fabrics through needlework shops like 123Stitch. The ones labeled “Crystal” are sparkly, for some extra fun!
  • BeStitchMe offers some gorgeous colors, and even a fabric of the month club!
  • Etsy is a great place to find lots of small businesses to support — and you can find very unique fabrics that way, such as overdyed opalescents and even printed patterns!
  • Pre-Gridded fabric – If your stitcher enjoys large patterns, having pre-gridded fabric saves you a lot of time counting! And the lines wash out once you’re done!

Alternatively, consider getting them the gift of a bolt of plain white aida and some RIT dye! Dying their own fabric/thread could become a whole new adjacent hobby.

If you’re not sure if your stitcher prefers aida or evenweave, 14 count or 36 count, then try some specialty fabrics instead.

  • Plastic Canvas – Make sure it’s 14 count and clear. Makes great keychains, earrings, and other fun trinkets. It even comes in BLACK now!
  • Soluble Canvas – A great way to stitch directly onto fabric that isn’t specifically designed for cross stitch. Such as clothing! It melts away in warm water so you don’t have to spend the time pulling out waste canvas.
  • Vinyl Aida – Similar to plastic canvas for its durability, but more flexible!
  • Perforated Paper – Good for making cards and delicate ornaments.
  • Pre-stretched squares – Perfect for small designs, with no finishing required!

Organization Gift Items

Maybe your stitcher already has a huge stash and could benefit from a way to get it organized! Here’s some great ideas for storage.

  • Thread Storage – If your stitcher has been stitching for a while, they probably already have several plastic Bobbin Boxes to store their thread collection. But what stitcher wouldn’t love to upgrade to a beautiful wooden chest? The official DMC chest comes with a full set of thread, but is often out of stock. There’s plenty of amazing custom ornate storage solutions out there that would make for an amazing gift!
  • Bobbins – These little guys are available in paper, colored cardstock, plastic, acrylic, and even wood! Upgrade their storage by going from cheap plastic to clear acrylic, or help expand their current collection.
  • Desktop Bobbin Holders – Just want a smaller piece to hold your current project colors while you work? How about these adorable desktop bobbin holders?
  • Floss Drops – Don’t like bobbins? It might be time to consider Floss Drops. Whether you want compact and versatile or large and decorative or super cute.
  • Number stickers – Make it easy to label your bobbins! I also designed my own number stickers with larger print that don’t, uh, fall off as easily!
  • Color Dividers – If your stitcher prefers organizing by color, they could use these helpful dividers to make it easy to find colors based on number as well.
  • Needle storageStorage tubes or Magnetic cases would make for a useful stocking stuffer gift! Bonus points if you get them some nice wooden tubes, or pre-fill them with new needles!
  • Travel Bags – Anything from simple project bags, to cross stitch-specific bags, to elaborate wood boxes. Whether your stitcher is traveling across country, bringing their project to work, or simply carrying it to the couch. Having a place to store their current project can be invaluable.
  • Magnetic Strips – While typically used to hold up knives, these strips are perfect for stitchers with growing scissor collections. Add them to a shelf or bookcase near their favorite stitch spot to both decorate and organize their scissor collection.

Frames, Stands, and Lighting

If they’re a new stitcher, chances are they’ve just been stitching in hand or with a basic hoop. Time to spruce that up with improved ways to hold their project.

  • Hoops – Hoops can be used while stitching, or simply to frame a design. They come in a variety of sizes and colors, including plain wood, faux wood grain, hand stained wood, and colorful plastics. You can even get them wrapped in fabric to add a special touch to that framed project!
  • Qsnaps – Generically known as snap frames, or plastic clip frames. But you’ll want name brand Q-snaps for these as off-brands tend to not hold the fabric as tightly. They come in a variety of sizes, so if your stitcher already has a Q-snap and loves it, they’d probably appreciate the gift of size options for larger or smaller projects.
  • Scroll Frames – Ideal for working on larger projects, scroll frames help keep all that extra fabric out of the way so you can focus on your stitching.
  • Floor Stand Lowery work stands are the go-to for sturdy craft stands that hold your project in the ideal position while you work. If you want it to be a bit more portable, opting for a wooden one that folds up when not in use may be better for you.
  • Lap Stand – Does your stitcher often work on the couch or a big comfy chair? A nice lap stand may be just what they need to stitch with.
  • Lamps – Lighting is very important when stitching, especially when working on darker fabrics. The TaoTronics lamps have been my go-to for years since I’m photosensitive can angle them between away from my face to just light my project, or dim it if it starts to hurt my eyes. And can range from ‘daylight’ white for picking colors, to warmer yellow tones if it starts to hurt my heads.
  • Neck Lamps – Don’t have room for a dedicated lamp, or want something more portable? Neck lamps are great for night-time stitching!
  • Magnifier – Does your stitcher struggle to read their pattern sometimes, or just love stitching on high count fabrics? A magnifier may be just the gift to keep enjoying the craft without straining their eyes. The one I linked works both as a desk clamp or floor stand, and includes lighting!

Scissors & Thread Cutters

  • Scissors – Whether you pick up some nice fabric cutting scissors, or some cute embroidery scissors, a stitcher can never have enough cutting implements, and they make for a great stocking stuffer gift. Know a lefty? They make left-handed embroidery scissors, too!
  • Pinking Shears – These serrated scissors will cut your fabric edges to reduce fraying while you work!
  • Thread Cutters – Thread cutters aren’t just for quilters. Any stitcher that struggles with scissors could benefit from a dedicated thread cutter. Whether a table top cutter, or a wearable pendant.
  • Seam Rippers – Okay, so as a stitcher the last thing you want to think about is your seam ripper. If you’ve had to pull one out, you’re already having a bad day. But having a nice, well made ergonomic seam ripper will help lessen the pain of ripping out stitches. Just a little bit. Or perhaps consider a beautiful hand made seam ripper? Who could stay mad at that for long?
  • Scissor Tip Protectors – Don’t forget to protect those scissors! You can get rubber tips to protect the tips of your scissors. Even cute paw-shaped ones!
  • Scissor Fobs – Fobs are a great way to both decorate your existing scissors but also make them easier to find. Great for stitchers frequently misplacing their snips. Plus there’s all types of fobs for every style.
  • Scissor Cases – Both protects and makes your scissors easier to find! Great for travel!


  • Thread Card – Whether your favorite stitcher designs their own patterns or just needs a way to check for a close color substitute for their latest project, they could use a thread card. Ideally, one with real thread samples for the best comparison, though they’re often out of stock. This is a great gift as it’s a highly desired item, but it’s hard to justify buying it yourself as it’s possible to get by without it.
  • Metallic Threads – Whether splurging on Kreinik spools (#4 or #8 braid) in their favorite colors, or just going with the DMC Diamant pack, your favorite stitcher would enjoy gift of sparkle. And they deserve metallics that are better than the DMC Light Effects thread line.
  • Hand Dyed Threads – Artisanal overdyed threads like those from Weeks Dye Works or Classic Colorworks can add some flair to projects.
  • Thread Cones – Nothing is more frustrating than running out of a color mid-project. If it’s a color you use frequently, it can be hard to keep in stock. I recommend 310 (black), and white if you’re not sure what colors get used a lot.
  • Thread Collections – Packs of specialty threads can make a good gift when you’re not sure what colors they use most. Variegated thread packs, the Etoile collection, or even samples of different thread brands that are good for cross stitch, like the Sulky Petites collections or Lecien Cosmo threads.

Misc Accessories to Gift

  • Needles – You may feel like basically any needle will work for cross stitch, and that’s true to an extent. Even so, there’s definitely a quality difference working with nice Bohin needles, or gold eye Clover needles.
  • Needle Threader – The DMC branded needle threader includes both the standard wire threader, as well as the more modern flat steel threaders. Meanwhile, the Dritz needle threader retracts, includes an LED light and includes a built in thread cutter and would be perfect for traveling.
  • Thread Conditioner – If your stitcher has ever complained about having to work with metallic thread, gift them some thread conditioner! Craftigurumi even offers dozens of fun scents! (Or unscented, if you prefer.)
  • Tension Clips – If your stitcher uses a scroll frame, these can help hold their fabric taught along the sides while they work!
  • Q-snap Cover / “Grime Guard – Alternatively, if they use a Qsnap, pick them up a fabric grime guard to keep their project clean of any grime that can be transferred from your hands while holding a project for hours at a time. These come in all sorts of different fabrics, so find a shop that fits your favorite stitcher’s style!
  • Compression Gloves – If you’ve ever heard complaints of hand pains after stitching, something like compression gloves can help ward off cramps from the repetitive motions involved. If you live in a cold climate, these can keep your hands warm, too!
  • Needle Minders – Basically decorative magnets, with a second magnet to hold it onto their project. These are an adorable way to keep a hold of your needle while not actively stitching.
  • Water Erasable Pens – Good for gridding fabric on large project so you don’t have to do as much counting as you stitch.
  • Cross Stitch Ruler – This bad boy can tell you at a glance what count fabric you’re working with, AND help you mark corners to make sure you’re leaving enough room for framing.
  • Clear Glass Jars – Not sure what these are for? They’re perfect for storing all those extra bits of thread we generate while stitching. Watching these slowly fill up with colors can be so neat! Bonus points if you pick a fun shape. Also useful for buttons.

Finishing accessories

  • Buttons – Does your stitcher enjoy making biscornu? Then they’ll need all sorts of cute and decorative buttons to put in the middle of their projects.
  • Beads – If your stitcher hasn’t tried beads yet, this may be the push they need to embellish their projects with some decorative beads! Or sequins!
  • Stitchable items – There’s lots of items out there designed to be stitched on. Journals, die cut wooden shapes, towels, bookmarks, and more! Or kits to turn small stitches into useable items, like this Create a Pincushion kit.
  • Hoop Frames – Decorative wooden frames to cover up those boring hoops when hanging up circular patterns.


  • Cross Stitch Project Planner – A way to keep track of all those projects you have going at once, keep track of your thread, and more!
  • Graph Paper – Is your stitcher an artist? Help them design their own cross stitch patterns with some graph paper! Ideally, graph paper that is at least 14 squares per inch for designing cross stitch patterns.
  • Pattern Books – Not an artist? That’s okay! There’s hundred of pattern books out there. Including ones based on popular video games like Stardew Valley, ones for those who love all things creepy and halloween, ones with hundreds of mini motifs, and even books filled with subversive designs. There really is something for everyone out there.