Sulky Petites Cross Stitch Thread Review Part 2 – 16 Count Aida
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Sulky Petites Cross Stitch Thread Review Part 2 – 16 Count Aida

Whoops. Has it been a whole 2 months since my Sulky Petites review? Well in that blog post I mentioned I was working on a design using the threads I’d picked up. So here we are.

In my initial review I show how it looks on 14 count and 28 count. Well I loved the thread so much I wanted to test out coverage on 16 count also!

Two cross stitch pendants using Sulky Petites thread.
14 count and 28 count pendants.

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To start, I picked out 6 colors I liked and put together a simple design using them. I wanted at least one large area for variegated thread, and some excuses to use french knots.

Unfortunately, I forgot to take more WIP photos along the way, but the statements I made in my initial review still hold true. The thread is soft and super easy to work with.

It’s about the width of 1.5 strands of DMC, which makes it pretty perfect for 16 count!

Note about metallics

If using their metallics, you’ll need to double up on thread. However, having two strands of thread on the needle was an absolute nightmare. It’s so soft it tends to slip around and get uneven easily. Instead, I’d recommend stitching each part of the stitch twice. It may take a little longer than stitching with two strands, but it will be worth it.

Work in progress shot

The cotton thread is soft and super easy to work with. Whether backstitching or doing french knots.

You only need the one strand for the Sulky Cotton Petites, which is really nice. You don’t realize how much time you spend splitting strands until you don’t have to do it!

Closeup shot of a cross stitch design

Here’s a closeup for some detail. It’s always difficult capturing the shimmer of metallic threads, but it is quite beautiful. The heavy backstitch in that area kind of covers it up, but plenty of the shine still comes through without being overwhelming.

I was able to see the variegation on that purple Cotton Petites Blendables much better this time. I kinda like how patchy it is, but opinions may vary.

Finishing Technique

Flat ornament featuring a crescent moon cross stitch design

I ended up finishing it as another flat ornament. I’ve been obsessed with these lately! There’s a tutorial on making circular flat ornaments here on the blog. But a square one isn’t too different. Just in stead of doing a running stitch border to cinch the fabric, fold the edges over and stitch across. Then tighten it to secure it the mat board like I did in the Flat Fold tutorial.


This pattern is now up on both my Patreon and Etsy. Don’t worry — if you’re not ready to take the plunge into the world of Sulky threads, I included some DMC equivalent suggestions. You can always swap out whatever colors you think would look nice, though!