Blending Filament – Adding Sparkle to your Embroidery Thread

Here on my site I’ve discussed a fair amount of metallic thread brands used in cross stitch. From DMC’s Mouliné Étoile to lesser known brands like Bijoux and Accentuate. You can get metallic threads in SO many different colors, and even variegated metallics! But what if instead of hoarding a pile of various colored metallic […]

15 mins read

Discontinued DMC: Hard to Find Threads and Their Replacements

Before you click off of this article because you have already seen a dozen other articles listing discontinued DMC numbers — I have stitched samples! There are plenty of lists of discontinued DMC threads and suggestions for alternatives. But how close are the replacements really? What if you’re out of the replacement color too? Is […]

29 mins read

Thread Conditioner: Should you use it for Embroidery & Cross Stitch?

Here’s a topic that’s I’ve seen brought up quite a bit lately: Thread conditioner. What is it, should you use it, and HOW do you use it anyway? For decades cross stitchers and embroidery artists alike have used a silicone-based substance called Thread Heaven to coat their threads while working. Plus the dozens of other […]

12 mins read

Framing Tips for Cross Stitch – Inexpensive At-Home Finishing Techniques

My patreon voted for me to write about framing tips despite knowing full well I am terrible at framing. I feel the need to warn future readers as well. I am not an expert and would recommend getting your piece professionally framed by someone familiar with cross stitch/needlepoint. However, that can get EXPENSIVE. And I […]

18 mins read